Thursday, January 10, 2013

Chicken Soup for my Soul

I can admit it...I'm a stalker...a blog stalker.  There are few things I enjoy more than reading and keeping up on the personal lives of people I don't even know...and some that I do.  I just love it.  I love to see people overcome adversity and then inspire others to do the same.  I love reading about moms who love being moms, but can admit that on some days it can totally suck the life right out of you.  The shared experience is what I love...and I got it today... on a day that I really needed it.

In just a minute I'm going to share a blog post with you that has really changed my life...really.  Don't try skipping ahead to read it now.  I've disabled the settings so that you must finish reading mine before you can be linked to hers.  For real.  Don't even ask me how I did it.

I have to start with a short story...a story in which I may sound like I'm patting myself on the back...but I'm not.  There's a point.

Today two different friends sent me a text for a "buy one-get one free" meal at Chik-Fil-A.  My little kids were getting out early from school and I thought it would be a nice surprise...and mostly, I was really  hungry. I had been doing work for Brayden's teacher and ended up staying a lot longer than I usually do, so I decided to a treat was in order.

As I was about to pull  into the drive thru, I noticed a homeless man sitting on a bench in the cold.  Those of you outside of California may scoff at the use of my word cold, but it has been very chilly here recently.  As I placed my order I decided to order him some soup.  I had a few bags left that we had made with some friends for the homeless during the holidays, so I grabbed one, took the soup and went to find him.  Of course he was gone! I got back in my car, determined to track him down.  I found him, gave him the goods, and teared up as I sat in my warm SUV with heated seats wondering why I ever complain about anything! He had already sat down on the overturned 5-gallon bucket he had been carrying in his cart and started to eat. I was happy that he was enjoying it as I drove away.

Five seconds later I reached into my bag for a waffle fry and I teared up again.

A cup of soup? You are so selfish! Why didn't you give him the chicken and the fries? A cup of soup?? I'm sure that will make a big difference in his life.  Enjoy your lunch!   

That's literally how I a loser. 

I go through this a lot.  Do something good.  Think of how much better it should have been. Feel bad.

I know that's not how Heavenly Father wanted me to feel.  He is the one who inspired me to feel for the man in the first place.  I am convinced that Satan is behind those kinds of feelings.  Feelings that we haven't done enough, we're not good enough, thin enough, fast enough, strong enough.  Feelings that make us not want to even bother...because it won't be perfect enough.  We've all felt it at one time or another, especially as women.  I had been pondering on this for the rest of the day, and tonight on Facebook (of all places) I came across this blog post that Makenzie's sweet roommate, Annie, had read and shared.  So thank you Annie, thank you Kathryn Thompson of, it was just what I needed, when I needed it!

And now, read this amazing post: