That's the answer to the question, "how often is there scaffolding around the Salt Lake City
Temple?" If I'm ever on a gameshow where they ask that question, I. Will. Win! How do I know? How can I be sure???
We were surrounded by the people we loved, and who loved us. We were in our favorite temple (even if it was being cleaned for it's 100th birthday the next summer), and we were together. Kelly's best friend's grandfather performed the sealing. I'll admit I don't remember a lot of what he said, and my dad had to pry our marriage certificate out of my hands because I nearly twisted it half; but it was a beautiful day... for us, anyway...
We took pictures by the hundreds with eveyone oohing and aahhing. I had a ball! I was happy. We crossed the street to get pictures with the temple in the background, and we were done. Our photographer snapped one last picture and BAM! The sky opened up and it began to pour rain! I don't mean it started raining...I mean buckets of water fell from the sky.
I did mention we were finished with our pictures, right? Because if we hadn't been, I never would have gotten over it...I don't get over things like that at all very well. We actually got a couple of great shots in the rain. We waited for a break in the deluge...and then... the best thing ever!
A kindly, white haired man in a suit, opened the doors to the Church Office Building and motioned for us to follow him. He escorted us to what I like to call, the secret passageway. The tunnel that leads from the office building to the temple. Awesome!!
Even though I was giddy, I felt extrememly sad for all the brides who had just gotten married that wouldn't be able to get pictures taken. Who expects rain at the end of June?!
Now it's 21 years later. We have a daughter on a mission, a senior, a freshman, a fifth grader and a second grader. Marriage hasn't always been easy, but it has always been worth it! I would say we lucked out that day, but it's more than that. We were blessed.
I believe we were meant to be...even on the days we drive eachother nuts! His is still my favorite hand to hold, my favorite blue eyes, my favorite smile. He puts up with a lot of...personality... from me, and I believe it when he tells me how much he loves me...every day! I love him dearly and am so happy that my children have him for a father. He's the best...and I guess he's also pretty lucky too!
Happy 21st Anniversary Kelly...time flies when you're having kids FUN!